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Tuesday, July 23, 2024
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Kabir Singh Bhomia ,grandson of late hockey player Balbir singh Bhomia fooled me: Reshma Gangji 

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Last week Gamdevi Police registered a case of Fraud against two accused one Reshma Gangji, director of Libas Design Limited and  Kabir Singh Bhomia a resident of Chandigarh The case is registered by Founding Partner of Libas, Nishant Mitrasen Mahimtura.
Kabir Singh Bhomia, a former banker and popularly known due to fame of his grandfather and known former hockey player, Balbir Singh Bhomia is an accused in 2.8 crore cheating case registered against him in Mumbai.
Reshma  Director of  Riyaz gangji libas and also wife of  Well Known Fashion Designer, Riyaz Ganji claims that She was fooled into all this controversy  by  Kabir singh  Bhomia.
The new revelation in this case is that when the Mumbai Police investigated Kabir Singh’s bank account, it was found that Kabir had 2.8 crores in his account, out of which he had spent 75 lakhs. At present, the Mumbai Police has seized Kabir’s bank accounts. A team of Mumbai Police has already gone to Chandigarh two days back to arrest Kabir Singh.
Police say that till Kabir is not arrested, it is difficult to find out on whom or where Kabir spent 75 lakhs.
Kabir Singh Bhomia
Reshma s husband Riyaz Gangji is defending his wife on the charges and and has filed an official complaint against Kabir singh  Bhomia. Riyaz claims that he has investigated into past of Kabir singh Bhomia  and found out that he was deported from London on charges of mischief and it’s his business to trap gullible  entrepreneur for his scams and he is a very shady character.
” He is a scamster, he took advantage of my wife s innocence And misguided her. I will resolve this issue under any circumstances and prove my wife’s innocence. We are ready to face any legal consequences because I know my wife is innocent. My only request to the police is to arrest him as soon as possible. Once he is arrested, the whole truth will come into light. My wife made a mistake in total innocence as he presented himself  as a client who could influence lot of  NRi s at our stores  Reshma s a very innocent non business minded very trusting soul and can easily be misguided. In garb of a good client he actually fooled her . she is not part of this scam or Fraud. ” said  Riyaz.
While Reshma is available for Questioning, Kabir Singh Bhomia  is still absconding. And Police is on the hunt for Kabir Singh Bhomia.
Mumbai police has served notice to Kabir under section 41(A) to appear before police to record his statement. ” We have sent first notice to him but he hasn’t responded to yet. We will send one more notice to him and if he still does not appear before us further legal action will be initiated”‘, said the investigative officer of the case.
Another accused in the case is a well know fashion designer and director of fashion brand Libas. She has alleged Kabir to take advantage of their relationship to dupe money from the founding member of Libas. ” He used me to dupe money by befriending me and using my friendship to scam influential people for money”, Reshma said.
Case:- Last Week Gamdevi Police registered a case against Kabir Singh Bhomia and Reshma Gangji for duping 2.8 Crore rupees from Nishant Mitrasen Mahimtura, Founding Partner of Libas to settle a family property dispute. Reshma has appeared for statement while Kabir is still at large from being questioned in the case.
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