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Monday, July 22, 2024
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Look at The Environment in Mumbai, Citizens Should Follow the Rules, Appeal of The Guardian Minister

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The place where the party will be held in Mumbai will be monitored by Mumbai Police, Municipal Corporation staff, CCTV. Mumbai’s Guardian Minister Aslam Sheikh has appealed to the citizens to abide by the rules given.

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“The number of patients on international flights has increased. They will be quarantined for 7 days. If the number of patients increases, lockdown will have to be done. However, there is no situation to lockdown at present. People should reduce the crowd,” Said.

“Jumbo covid centers are being re-opened in Mumbai. Home quarantine will be done if the number of corona patients increases further. We are confident that Mumbaikars will support us,” he said.

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In Mumbai, walking on the beach after 5 pm is now banned. Mumbaikars, if you are thinking of going to the beach, cancel it and celebrate 31st December at home. Because it is forbidden to go out of the house after 5 in the evening.

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Mumbai Police has banned citizens from going to beaches, open fields, sea views, monasteries, parks, or public places from 5 pm to 5 am the next day. Mumbai Police has informed that this order will be in force till January 15.

Strict restrictions apply in the state

🔶 Whether the wedding ceremony is confined or open space, the maximum number of attendees will be limited to 50 persons. Any gathering or event, be it social, cultural, political or religious. Whether in confined spaces or open spaces, the maximum number of attendees will be limited to 50 persons.

🔶 The maximum number of people attending the funeral will be limited to 20 persons. 14 Section 144 shall apply to tourist attractions, other crowded places like open ground, etc. in any part of the State. Previous restrictions on corona will remain in place.

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