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Tuesday, July 23, 2024
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Mumbai cruise case: NCB suspects drugs were bought using cryptocurrency

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The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) suspects that the drugs recovered from the ship, owned by Cordelia Cruises, on Saturday night were bought using cryptocurrency.

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A high-profile drug peddler, Shreyas Nair, was arrested by the NCB in the case on Monday. He received orders for drugs through the ‘dark web’ and took payments in Bitcoin, the agency said.

On Saturday, the NCB busted a rave party on board a cruise ship off the coast of Mumbai. A team of NCB officials seized drugs such as cocaine, hashish, and MDMA during the raid on Cordelia Cruises’ Empress ship.

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On Monday, a Mumbai court sent Aryan Khan, son of actor Shah Rukh Khan, and seven others to NCB custody till October 7 in connection with the case.

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As per sources, the Narcotics Control Bureau plans to find out from Aryan Khan who invited him for the event and who paid for the drugs found in possession of his friends.

The NCB also has its eye on the organisers of the event that was taking place on Cordelia Cruises’ Empress ship when the raid occurred on Saturday. This is because they reportedly took the ship to the high seas despite the raid.

The NCB has also received information that some passengers aboard the ship created a ruckus after consuming drugs. They allegedly broke some windows on the ship and damaged property. They have been detained.

After the ship returned to Mumbai on Monday, NCB officials had conducted another search.

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