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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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The bar dancer jumped off the roof, gave her life to escape from the cruelty

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A professional dancer committed suicide by jumping off the roof of a beer bar in order to escape from the mischievous owner and his friends. The deceased dancer has been identified as Rakhi, a resident of Budh Vihar. On the complaint of the dancer’s sister, the police have started investigation by registering a case against the bar owner Vijay and his friends. Beer Bar (Master the Party Hall) located in North X Mall of Rohini Sector 9 was a private party on Saturday night.

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In this, professional dancer Nisha and her younger sister Rakhi aka Tanya, resident of Budh Vihar, went to dance. In the complaint given to the police, Nisha told that the owner of the beer bar, Vijay, made both of them dance in the party for about five hours. After this, both started going home at around 4.30 am on Sunday.

During this, bar owner Vijay and his friends stopped Rakhi and asked her to dance again, when Rakhi refused, they started beating her forcibly. When Rakhi wanted to run away, everyone surrounded her and started to act indecent. Disturbed by this, Rakhi jumped down from the third floor of the bar.

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After this, the accused fled away leaving the injured Rakhi, Nisha and another dancer outside the Ambedkar hospital in a hurry. Doctors declared Rakhi brought dead in the hospital.

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The police handed over the body to the relatives after post-mortem. At present, the police is interrogating the bar owner. Along with this, the footage of the CCTV cameras of the bar and the footage of the surrounding cameras is being scrutinized.

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