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Sunday, July 21, 2024
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Woman buries cop’s minor daughter alive over personal enmity

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A police constable’s two-and-a-half-year-old daughter was kidnapped and buried alive by his 35-year-old female neighbour in Punjab’s Ludhiana over personal enmity. The toddler was exhumed and dashed to a hospital, but could not be saved.

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The accused woman, identified as Neelam of Shimlapuri locality, has been arrested by the police. On Sunday, she kidnapped Dilroze Kaur, who was the daughter of her neighbour Harpreet Singh, a constable posted in 3rd IRB Battalion. She took her to a vacant plot in Salem Tabri area, where she buried her alive.

Meanwhile, Dilroze’s family realised that she was missing and approached the police to find her. Subsequently, the police initiated efforts to find the girl. They interrogated people and examined the footage from CCTV cameras mounted in the locality. Neelam was caught on CCTV taking Dilroze away on a scooter. Subsequently, she was picked up for questioning,

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The woman, during questioning, told the police that she buried the girl in a plot in Salem Tabri. The cops then went to the plot and dug out the girl. She was taken to a hospital, where medics pronounced her dead.

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“Neelam and Dilzore’s family had no big issue between them. Neelam got divorced in 2015 and since then, she was living with her parents in Shimlapuri along with her two sons. At times, the neighbouring kids fought with each other and had complained to Neelam against her sons. Neelam took it to her heart. She started believing that everyone targets her and her children. Some time ago, Neela had an argument with Dilroze’s parents. To avenge it, on Sunday when she saw Dilroze alone, she kidnapped and buried her in a vacant plot in Salem Tabri,” the report quoted an officer as saying.

This comes days after a 55-year-old woman in Perumbakam area of Tamil Nadu’s Chennai allegedly buried her 59-year-old husband alive in order to help him attain immortality. The woman was arrested while her husband’s body was exhumed and sent for post-mortem examination.

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